Thursday Apr 13, 2017
  • Classes
    • 6am
    • 715am
    • 930am
    • 12m
    • 415pm
    • 530pm
    • 645pm

What goes well with Hatch? OLY!



Back Squat
1*10 - 60%
1*8 - 65%
1*8 - 70%
1*8 - 75%
Front Squat
1*5 - 60%
1*5 - 65%
1*5 - 70%
1*5 - 70%



50-40-30-20-10 Reps for TIme:
Double Unders

Coaches Notes

Hey Team,

Hatch is going to make you insanely strong (not that you aren't already).

If you'd like to add a whole bunch of Clean & Jerk and Snatch PRs to the list you may consider jumping in on the Olympic Weightlifting course @ CFCB.

When: Monday's & Thursday's @ 6pm
Starts: April 24th for 6 weeks

If you're addicted to PRs (and I know you are) join us for a whole lot of technical work, skill development, video analysis and all those PRs I just mentioned.

3 spots left, click here to register: SPRING OLY @ CFCB

– Eric Barber