Monday Jul 10, 2017
  • Classes
    • 6am
    • 930am
    • 12pm
    • 415pm
    • 530pm
    • 645pm
    • 8pm

The Chief

Competition Class


CanWest Prep

A) Snatch Balance: 3 sets of 3
B) Snatch from Blocks @ hip/power pos:
60/4, 65/4, 70/4, 75/4x2
C) Snatch Pull to knee + hang pull to explode + full pull
85/2+1+1, 90/2+1+1x3
*2 reps to knee, then 2 from hang, then 2 full pulls


3 Rounds
5 Beat Swings
3 BS w/ Shoulder Tap
1-3 C2B Pull-ups

5min AMRAP
C2B Pull-upsĀ 

3 Rounds
1 Walk Walk
1 Wall Facing Strict HSPU
10 Shoulder Taps

5x1 Strict HSPU (work to max deficit)
3x5 @ 50% of max deficit

5x1 Kipping HSPU (work to max deficit)
3x5 @ 50% of max deficit


The Chief

5 x 3min rounds w/ 1min rest
3 Power Cleans
6 Push-ups
9 Air Squats

Death by T2B
min1: 1 T2B
min2: 2 T2B
min3: 3 T2B
*done when you can't complete work in given minute
*must be UB aka stay on bar for set to count