Tuesday Mar 29, 2016
  • Classes
    • 6am
    • 715am
    • 930am
    • 12m
    • 415pm
    • 530pm
    • 645pm

The Off-season starts . . . now!


10min EMOM

a. 1RM Dip (HAP)
b. 30sec Max Cal Row


5min AMRAP


12 KBS 53/35
12 Box Jumps 24/20

Rest 3 min

 5min AMRAP
12 Wall Balls 20/14
12 Sit-ups


Coaches Notes

Hey Team,

The Open is over! Amazing work! Really. I couldn't be more impressed. There were so many stand out performances over these last 5 weeks that I have smile-inducing-memories to last the rest of my life.

Congrats to all of you that have completed your first Open, you should be very proud of yourself. This was a tough Open. Take some time to reflect and then set some big-audacious-goals for the year to come. I'd love to hear about them.

For those who have completed their 2nd, 3rd, 4th and 5th Open, nice work. The Open brings out the best and sometimes the worst (obsess much?) in us. This has been the hardest Open yet (IMO) and you guys gave it your all. Thank you for crushing those workouts, cheering on your teammates and making CFS an amazing place to be. Here's to next year!

This week we are going to start testing technical maxes so that we have some numbers to work with going forward into a strength and technical development phase. It's going to be a fun next couple of months!

On a related note, Coach Em cruised through another Open and will be headed to Regionals in Portland at the end of May. Congrats Emmer!

One of my personal long-time goals has been to qualify CFCB to the Team competition at Regionals. The top 15 teams in Canada West will qualify to go to Regionals. While it looks like CFCB is sitting in 10th place, Coach Em's scores are currently contributing to our team placement. When Em accepts her invite to Regionals her score will be removed from the team score. This will happen to all the teams that have individual Regionals competitors on them so the leaderboard will shake up over the next few weeks. Fingers crossed!


– Eric Barber